Hello Marten and FreeBSD friends,

On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 03:14:52PM +0100, Marten wrote:
> > On Mar 9, 2016, at 2:25 PM, Willem Offermans <wil...@offermans.rompen.nl> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Dear Marten and FreeBSD friends,
> > 
> > On Wed, Mar 09, 2016 at 01:49:32PM +0100, Marten wrote:
> >> 
> >>> On Mar 9, 2016, at 11:54 AM, Willem Offermans 
> >>> <wil...@offermans.rompen.nl> wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> Hi Marten and FreeBSD friends,
> >>> 
> >>> On Tue, Mar 08, 2016 at 11:38:22PM +0100, Marten wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>> 
> >>>> While it tool me a while how get multi  VAP support working on FreeBSD I 
> >>>> made a write
> >>>> up how to get it working… The site is in dutch, but I think the drawing 
> >>>> and configs
> >>>> are clear enough to save some people some time…
> >>>> 
> >>>> http://makerspaceleiden.nl/wiki/index.php/NetworkSetup_AP 
> >>>> <http://makerspaceleiden.nl/wiki/index.php/NetworkSetup_AP>
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> If another place a full english it wish feel free to copy and translate,
> >>>> where off course I am willing to help...
> >>>> 
> >>>> So thanks for all your work,
> >>>> cheers Marten
> >>> 
> >>> Maybe I have missed the previous e-mails, but could you provide some
> >>> context to your project on makerspaceleiden? I would be highly interested.
> >>> What is ``Alix board'' you are referring to in your text?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Hi Will,
> >> 
> >> The Alix board are embedded soc boards from pcengines.ch 
> >> <http://pcengines.ch/>  here we also got the atheros wlancards, casings, 
> >> pigtails and antenna’s.
> >> If are looking for hardware you could also check soekris.com 
> >> <http://soekris.com/> .
> >> 
> >> If you need some hardware for testing pls let me know..
> >> 
> >> The MakerSpace a kind of offtopic on this list, so ‘ll email you a longer 
> >> email off list.
> >> 
> >> But in a null shell:
> >> Our infrastructure runs FreeBSD on the core router/firewall, mqtt, mail , 
> >> http server and NanoBSD on the accents points.
> >> We have linux on the door system (RFID+Actuators) and LoraWan Gateway.
> >> There some arduino-code on ESP’s (NodeMCU) for our sensor network that 
> >> posts to the mqtt server..
> >> 
> >> Kinds regards,
> >> Marten
> >> 
> > 
> > I'm planning to ``build'' wireless access points myself. I would love to
> > run them on nanobsd. I prefer to have several networks at the end:
> > 
> > - admin net1
> > - gebruikers net2
> > - gasten net3
> > 
> > Basically the same as you provide in your NetworkSetup_AP. I imagine to
> > tune a firewall such that the networks (i.e. net1, net2, and net3) are
> > separated. So that the users (gebruikers) can use the services of an
> > available server and the guests (gasten) can only use (a limited amount of)
> > the internet and no access or only limited access to the server.
> > 
> > Would this be possible with your approach?
> That is what we do, the filtering is done with pf on the router
> and the router has some jails..
> > 
> > If yes, could you help me to do this project step by step.
> in a limited timespan .. ( or hire me :) )
> > 
> > If yes, probably I need to order the appropriate hardware. Can you be more
> > specific about the hardware you were using?
> > 
> > -Alix board? Which one?
> i think this one:
> http://www.pcengines.ch/alix3d2.htm <http://www.pcengines.ch/alix3d2.htm>
> > -The board needs to be in a case at the end. Which case?
> I would reuse the current cases because i need more space for a 802.3at 
> compliant poe splitter..
> > -Which wireless network adapters?
> > etc.
> I have choose for 11a only and 11g only adapters no 11a/g
>  try to find terminators for not user antenna connectors like:
> http://www.pcengines.ch/mmcxterm.htm
> so something like this
> layer2 : modem <=uplink=> freebsd router <=vlan trunk => switch + PoE <=> 
> wlan trunk => ap’s
> layer3:  internet <->  router/firewall/dhcpd <-> ap <-> notebook
> We have separate 802.3at compliant (try china) adapters to power the ap’s
> I bought the hardware about 8 years  ago for another project,
> you will need some time to familiarize your self with the hardware. Making a 
> shopping list
> is only a couple of ours work.
> I am currenty ordering a http://www.pcengines.ch/apu.htm 
> <http://www.pcengines.ch/apu.htm> to see it can replace
> my current 1U  router to have less power consumption and noise.
> > 
> > I might consider to write a detailed manual on this project. This would
> > certainly help other people in developing such infrastructure.
> That why i wrote the wiki page, i would be nice to get such content in the 
> FreeBSD  handbook ...
> cheers Marten

I had a closer look to and deeper thought about your howto 

1) Do I understand correctly that a VAP (virtual access point) is nothing more 
than a bridge between a vlan and a wlan in hostap mode?

2) Why didn't you assign IP addresses to the bridges? Do you do this at a
   later stage?

3) From the NetworkSetup_AP:

ifconfig_wlan0="channel 6 ssid MakerSpaceLeiden_gasten up"
ifconfig_wlan1="channel 6 ssid MakerSpaceLeiden_deelnemers up"
ifconfig_wlan2="channel 48 ssid MakerSpaceLeiden_5G_gasten up"
ifconfig_wlan3="channel 48 ssid MakerSpaceLeiden_5G_deelnemers up"
ifconfig_wlan4="channel 6 ssid MakerSpaceLeiden_IoT up"

The channels will be the same in all access points. Will this lead to 
instabilities when the access points are in close proximity?

Thank you for your explanations.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
With kind regards,
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,


 W.K. Offermans

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