Sweet, which version of -HEAD did you end up updating to?


On 21 December 2014 at 02:17, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:
> El día Saturday, December 20, 2014 a las 11:41:43AM -0800, Adrian Chadd 
> escribió:
>> It's a race condition in the scan handling. :(
>> When scan is cancelled (eg because something cancels it, or the state
>> transitions to IDLE or something because the VAP resets) then it
>> should be setting a flag to cancel things and the VAP should come out
>> of powerstate.
>> However, there seems to be some conditions where the scan is coming
>> out of that loop because it's been aborted/stopped, so it's not
>> complete - but then it stays in powersave mode because whatever's
>> supposed to either change it (eg a state change, a received becaon,
>> TIM coming in, etc) doesn't follow.  So it stays in power save.
>> The driver routines are called without the comlock held, so that's a
>> small, narrow window for some state change to come through that
>> doesn't trigger the scan code to see the scan is canceled and "finish"
>> the scan (which would reset the vap powersave state.)
>> I've added another cancel check in scan_task(). Please update this and
>> see what happens!
> Hi Adrian,
> It works fine now, see the attached log.
> Thanks and ¡Feliz Navidad!
>         matthias
> --
> Matthias Apitz, g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-170-4527211
> 1989-2014: The Wall was torn down so that we go to war together again.
> El Muro ha sido derribado para que nos unimos en ir a la guerra otra vez.
> Diese Grenze wurde aufgehoben damit wir gemeinsam wieder in den Krieg ziehen.
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