
Over the weekend I attempted to extend my existing wireless network
(an AP running FreeBSD with an ath card (AR5212) and WPA-PSK) using
DWDS without much success.

I followed the scripts in tools/tools/net80211/scripts/ but never saw
anything about DWDS show up in the logs (with wlandebug
state+scan+assoc+auth+wds+11n) on the main AP -- just the normal
association messages when the relay node connects.

The additional nodes have very similar hardware (ath cards) and all
are running recent 10-stable i386 builds.

So my first question is whether DWDS is supposed to work at all in
combination with WPA?  (I have not yet tried it without auth/privacy.)

I'm also not sure I understand the intended topology in the scripts
setup.wds{main,relay}.  In that scenario, would "normal" clients only
connect directly to the relays?  Can multiple relays use the exact
same config such as in setup.wdsrelay or should they present unique
SSIDs?  (I thought the point of WDS was to use the same SSID for
seamless roaming between APs.)

Can relays be chained or does each need to associate directly with the
"main" AP?  Does each relay perform need to perform its own
authentication for client stations or is that supposed to get handed
over to the main AP?

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