On Fri, 2013-11-01 at 12:33 -0700, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On 1 November 2013 12:16, Bernhard Schmidt <bschm...@techwires.net> wrote:
> > That actually is a design question I once wrapped my head around
> > unsuccessfully. The lines above are responsible for configuring wlan0
> > if it is created, eg.
> > ifconfig wlan0 destroy
> > ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev ath0
> > will invoke above code which will then invoke pccard_ether. Changing
> > the code as you intent to will prevent this.
> >
> > Someone should step up an decide what is supposed to happen, should
> > wlan0 in that case be configured as stated in rc.conf, or not?
> >
> > The actual issue though, is in wpa_supplicant itself. It has code to
> > prevent it being started twice, but that doesn't kick in because the
> > instances are started to fast and we loose (have not yet setup enough)
> > information in our net code.
> Uhm, I'm confused by this. Would you mind explaining it in a bit more detail?
> -a

The devd runs a pccard_ether script when the IFNET interface appears.
In some rare cases you can see two copies of the wpa_sopplicant.

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