Hi, azure-agent seems to be looking for python3. Is it sufficient to ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3.7 to python3 ? FreeBSD is 12.1-p8
I get these errors after the vm boots: 2020/08/13 01:28:58.246795 INFO Daemon Detect protocol endpoints 2020/08/13 01:28:58.281770 INFO Daemon Clean protocol 2020/08/13 01:28:58.283604 INFO Daemon WireServer endpoint is not found. Rerun dhcp handler 2020/08/13 01:28:58.285277 INFO Daemon Test for route to [redacted] 2020/08/13 01:28:58.319451 INFO Daemon Route to [redacted] exists 2020/08/13 01:28:58.321406 INFO Daemon Wire server endpoint:[redacted] 2020/08/13 01:28:58.342834 INFO Daemon Fabric preferred wire protocol version:2015-04-05 2020/08/13 01:28:58.344988 INFO Daemon Wire protocol version:2012-11-30 2020/08/13 01:28:58.356856 INFO Daemon Server preferred version:2015-04-05 2020/08/13 01:28:58.545765 INFO Daemon Certificate with thumbprint [redacted] has no matching private key. 2020/08/13 01:28:58.572645 ERROR Daemon Event: name=WALinuxAgent, op=Provision, message=Provisioning failed: [ProtocolError] [CopyOvfEnv] Error mounting dvd: [OSUtilError] Failed to mount dvd device Inner error: [mount -o ro -t udf,iso9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt/cdrom/secure] returned 1: mount_udf: /dev/cd0: Device not configured (0s), duration=0 2020/08/13 01:28:58.575012 INFO Daemon RDMA capabilities are not enabled, skipping 2020/08/13 01:28:58.618318 INFO Daemon Installed Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.45 is the most current agent and then this, about three times per second: 2020/08/13 01:28:58.643209 WARNING Daemon Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.45 launched with command 'python3 -u /usr/local/sbin/waagent -run-exthandlers' failed with exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'python3': 'python3' 2020/08/13 01:28:58.671068 ERROR Daemon Event: name=WALinuxAgent, op=Enable, message=[very long stream of letters and numbers] duration=0 and then, this: 2020/08/13 01:53:31.308703 WARNING Daemon Too many files under: /var/lib/waagent/events, removing oldest 2020/08/13 01:53:31.311327 INFO Daemon Installed Agent WALinuxAgent-2.2.45 is the most current agent repeated about thirty times per second I have to kill -9 waagent, or it would fill the vm with logs. Here's what /usr/local/bin/pyth* looks like: python2.7* python2.7-config* python3.7* python3.7-config@ python3.7m* python3.7m-config* thanks, -- J.
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