What are your network interfaces called on your machine? You probably have to 
change igb0 in the example to em0 (an Intel card) or re0 (a Realtek card). Type 
“ifconfig” to list all the interfaces, and look for ones with an ip address to 
figure it out.

On Tue, May 5, 2020 at 10:10, Brandon helsley <brandon.hels...@hotmail.com> 

> I'm trying to set up bhyve like the example to learn and when doing the 
> physical interface interface get the result no such file or directory the 
> command is:
> ifconfig bridge0 addm igb0 addm tap0
> "In this example, the physical interface is igb0"
> Sent from Outlook Mobile<https://aka.ms/blhgte>
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