Hello all

I am using FreeBSD 12.1R + patch

Without D20531 patch, I can passthru this first port of i350-T2
to a Linux vm.
and with the Patch, I can passthough the second port to A windows
VM. it works.

about several minutes later, system crash. I reset the sever via IPMI.
the last dmesg keep. see the attached file.

I sometimes get such error duing the passthrough in FreeBSD 12.1
without passthrough(with/without patch), the system is stable.
and I run ESXi with passthough also. pretty stable for months without reboot.

any idea? am I doing something wrong?
I think I am separate the iommu group to different vm?
how to check the iommu group in FreeBSD?


Attachment: demsg20200316.log
Description: Binary data

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