
I'd like to run a FreeBSD 11.3 VM under FreeBSD 12.1.
As I'm already using vm-bhyve to run a Windows guest, I think the best (or 
possibly only) choice is to use bhyve for the FreeBSD guest too.

I've got the following conf file:

> guest="freebsd"
> loader="bhyveload"
> cpu=1
> memory=512M
> network0_type="virtio-net"
> network0_switch="public"
> disk0_type="virtio-blk"
> disk0_name="disk0"
> disk0_dev="sparse-zvol"

Running "vm install -f f11b FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso", will boot 
the guest, but it will hang after a while with:

> /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x1564b08 data=0x145330+0x4cdf30 
> syms=[0x8+0x16daf0+0x8+0x186a43] Booting...
 > |

"vm stop" will stop it (through an ACIP shutdown) after a while.

So I tried with UEFI; here's the config file:
> guest="freebsd"
> loader="uefi"                                                                 
> cpu=1
> memory=512M
> network0_type="virtio-net"
> network0_switch="public"
> disk0_type="virtio-blk"
> disk0_name="disk0"
> disk0_dev="sparse-zvol"
> disk1_type="ahci-cd"
> disk1_dev="custom"
> disk1_name="/zroot/vm/.iso/FreeBSD-11.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso"
> graphics="yes"
> xhci_mouse="yes"
> graphics_listen="192.168.xxx.1"

Starting it with "vm start" and connecting through VNC, it goes through the 
same stages as above, but ends up with a blank screen with a white block cursor 
in the first column of the first row.

>Any hint on how to get past this?

This is likely caused by an issue in the way vm-bhyve handled stdio, which only 
worked correctly with older builds of bhyve.

I would recommend installing vm-bhyve from ports (you should get version 
1.4.2), which hopefully will boot using bhyveload with no issues.


 > bye & Thanks
>       av.
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