Thanks for the responses.

My bad. I meant BSD10 vs BSD11 and not 11 vs 12.

Also I am not doing any migration. This is purely a normal runtime behavior 
difference. We have enabled all the host hypervisor VM-x best practices. So 
could you please clarify what you mean by “intercepts always enabled”?

From: Anish <>
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 8:54 PM
Cc: "Bapat, Udayan" <>, 
"" <>
Subject: Re: BSD11 vs BSD12 KVM performance

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Hi Udayan,

Intel VM-x and AMD SVM allow hypervisor to intercept TSC access for 
save/restore of VM migration, so when these intercepts are enabled, rdtsc will 
require switch between root and non-root mode which is expensive and may cost 
few hundreds of cpu cycles. Is it possible that one has these intercepts always 
enabled even when migration is not started?


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