On 24/01/2019 13:41, Kamil Kieliszczyk wrote:
My 2c on running Docker on FreeBSD:

1) I’m using Docker and Kubernetes quite extensively during my work days so I tried to run Docker on FreeBSD in my free time because.. why not? First I tried to run boot2docker project in VirtualBox as I remember that it was the way to run Docker on OSX a long time ago. Unfortunately, I had too much problems with it so I switched to running boot2docker inside bhyve. It was running alright, no major issues, no crashes so I went down that path. I improved a little bit my setup and wrote down a small tutorial for myself. You can find it here:
I’ve been using this as a Docker Swarm cluster running Nextcloud, PostgreSQL and a bunch of other containers inside it. Upgrading FreeBSD (host) or boot2docker (guest) or containers worked like a charm. And I’ve been using this for last 6+ months. Maybe this will help someone to start playing with Docker on FreeBSD and save some time figuring out how to do it.

2) Docker is not just running single image, managing volumes and networks - it’s much more. For example Docker Swarm which allows clustering and running whole application stack (multiple apps, DB, cache, logs etc) in a cluster which hosts are running on FreeBSD. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from porting Docker to FreeBSD. I would love to have Docker natively supported in FreeBSD. I just think that if one wants to just get up and running Docker on FreeBSD for development/tests/personal use, boot2docker+bhyve should be enough. Maybe wrapping it in a nice tool like vm-bhyve did with bhyve. If one wants to use Docker in production, one should strongly consider running Kubernetes cluster and use Docker images there.

Thanks for sharing Kamil. I tried to run docker inside Manjaro running inside bhyve. It mostly worked but in the end the deployed containers couldn't communicate between themselves because of some network issues. I was told to use a MacBook Pro where the same setup worked out of the box within 30 minutes instead of over a day spent on unsuccessful attempts to run it in bhyve. It's a shame but I will try with your steps when I find some time to see if that would help.


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