Hi Harry,

What are your reasons for preferring ng_bridge over the "normal" bridge?

Kind regards,


On 26/02/2018 10:09, Harry Schmalzbauer wrote:
>  Bezüglich tech-lists's Nachricht vom 25.02.2018 14:14 (localtime):
>> Hi,
>> What do folks use for their bhyve guest management?
>> I have always spun bhyve guests up by hand but now I'm considering
>> streamlining the process. What do you use?
> Just to feed the poll:
> Copy'n'pasting relevant lines from 'cat ~/vm-launches.txt'
> Reason:
> I very much dislike utilizing if_bridge(4), instead would prefere
> vale(4), but that's reproducibly locking up in real world setups.
> So my choice is ng_bridge(4), which isn't covered by any byhve(4) helper
> project afaik.
> 2nd reason:
> People are working on native config file support.  There's
> https://reviews.freebsd.org/D2448 and https://reviews.freebsd.org/D2505
> e.g., which seems desireable to me and I liked it very much at the time
> of evaluating.
> Unfortunately, neither time nor skills allow me to seriously
> contribute.  But that's the way to go imho, so I dropped hacking
> vm-bhyve/chyves in favour of coming up with small, _bhyve.conf
> compatible_ shell parser.  Unfortunately, even for that, I couldn't find
> any time.
> So still 'cat ~/vm-launches.txt', where my MAC database resides ;-)
> -harry
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