> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig Rodrigues [mailto:rodr...@freebsd.org]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2014 11:03 PM
> To: George Neville-Neil
> Cc: freebsd-virtualization@freebsd.org
> Subject: MAC addresses to use for BHyve VM's running under FreeBSD?
> Hi,
> I am running many BHyve VM's and am using tap interfaces with a single
> bridge.  I am configuring the IP addresses of these VM's via DHCP.
> I need to have separate MAC addresses for each VM.
> Can anyone recommend a range of MAC addresses to use?
> I seem to recall that at the 2013 FreeBSD Vendor Summit in Sunnyvale,
> California, that George mentioned that there might be a Organizational
> Unique Identifier (OUI) for the FreeBSD project that we can use for BHyve
> VM's.  Is that right?
> If not, can people recommend a range of addresses to use?
[Devin Teske] 

I read a bunch of RFCs on how manufacturers form their MAC addresses.
There is a range of values that will indicate "privately administered" MAC
to networking equipment. In my testing over 6 years, I've found that these
"privately administered" MAC addresses are not only treated well (read:
no issues), but in some cases they hold their DHCP leases far longer than
those without this special bit set.

In my vimage script:

I have the following formula:

        # Set the MAC address of the new interface using a sensible
        # algorithm to prevent conflicts on the network.
        # Where:
        #       P    2, 6, A, or E but usually 2
        # NOTE: Indicates "privately administered" MAC
        #       L    ng_bridge(4) link number (1-65535)
        #       B    Same as bridged interface

So if we think of a MAC address as 6 octets, there are three goals that this
formula/layout is addressing:

Goal 1:
        Set the P nibble to a value of 2, 6, A, or E to indicate that the
        MaC address is one that is "privately administered"

Goal 2:
        Allow up to 65530** unique MAC addresses to be formed from
        one single bridged interface.

** This number comes from stress-testing the ng_bridge(4) interface. In a
we were able to generate 65530 peers, all visible with ifconfig(8) and

Goal 3:
        Make the child MAC address look as similar to the parent MAC while
        satisfying goal 1 and goal 2.

It is Goal #2 that gives us the layout requirement to have 2 octets (4
aka 16 bits) to store a numeric identifier for a unique MAC address.

It is goal #3 that gives us the layout requirement to copy (unmodified) bits
the bridge interface into the child MAC address.

However, it is Goal #1 (of utmost importance in our needs) to force the
nibble of the first octet (high order; P in the layout) to a certain value.

It was my own personal preference to simply split the 4 nibbles for child
so I could group the nibbles from the parent MAC. Resulting in the layout:


Again, where the disjoint LL:LL represents a number 0-65535 for the LINK or
identifier (first peer is 0, second is 1, so-on), P is locked at 2 (but
could easily expand
to also use 6, A, or E), and B:BB:BB are bits from the bridge's MAC.

For code on calculating it all, see the above link -- written in shell
script using bit-
wise masking.

I think it needless to say that we went overboard... a single system could
run 262,120 vimages (dup the vimage rc.d 3x and change the privately
MAC nibble ``P'' from 2 to 6, then A, then E; each gaining up to 65530 new
administered MAC address space).

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