
Here is what I have been doing to run FreeNAS under BHyve.

(1)  Download latest FreeNAS-9.2.0-ALPHA ISO from:


(2)  Run this script to set up tap device:


# Change following to your network interface

ifconfig bridge0 create
ifconfig tap0 create
ifconfig bridge0 addm $iface addm tap0 up

sysctl net.link.tap.user_open=1
sysctl net.link.tap.up_on_open=1


(3) Create a 4G disk image:

truncate -s 4G /tmp/disk.img

(4) Run the FreeNAS installer under BHyve and install it to the disk
created in step (3):

sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/vmrun.sh -I
FreeNAS-9.2.0-ALPHA-a2fb413-x64.iso -d /tmp/disk.img -m 4096 -t tap0

(5)  Once the installer has completed, select Shutdown.

(6)  In a separate window, kill the vm

bhyvectl --destroy --vm=freenas_vm

(7)  Restart BHyve, but this time, do not boot off the ISO image:

sh /usr/share/examples/bhyve/vmrun.sh -d /tmp/disk.img -m 4G -t tap0

If DHCP works, you should be able to access the FreeNAS web GUI
using a web browser, via the IP address that the BHyve VM got from DHCP.

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