On 2013/06/25 18:23, Mikhail Tsatsenko wrote:
> 2013/6/25 kron <kro...@gmail.com>:
>> On 2013/06/25 09:16, Mikhail Tsatsenko wrote:
>>> 2013/6/25 kron <kro...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I'm running virtualbox-ose-4.2.14 on FreeBSD 9.1-STABLE r252094M
>>>> amd64. The GUI of VirtualBox cannot create/update virtual box
>>>> definitions (the *.vbox) files. The scrollbar and the form field
>>>> for "Base Memory" are broken and the following error message
>>>> is displayed:
>>>> "The value of the Base Memory field on the System page is not
>>>> complete."
>>>> I guess it comes from the base memory upper bound preset to zero
>>>> but I have no clue what's the source for the zero value.
>>>> The problem is just in the GUI:
>>>> - I can create or update VMs using the CLI
>>>> - the VMs created in older VirtualBox versions run fine
>>>> I anyone facing the same problem?
>>> I confirm the problem. Apparently this is a regression in the latest 
>>> version.
>>> Currently I'm looking at full diff between  VirtualBox 4.2.12 and
>>> 4.2.14, but still can't  find a change which could cause the issue.
>> At a first glance, RTSystemQueryAvailableRam? I see some
>> new occurrences in the diff. Unfortunately, it's one of
>> the OS dependent functions. However, I don't speak C++,
>> so I'm just guessing...

... or RTSystemQueryTotalRam ...

> Thanks for suggestion.
> Perhaps you are right, furthermore I can not see FreeBSD version of
> that function, so currently we have at least two different approaches:
> - Rollback to an old version of system memory calculation method
> (which was a dirty hack,according to code comments)
> - Or just implement such function and send it upstream.


> The second way seems to me more preferable. It takes me a few days,
> until that you have to use cli tools or previous VirtualBox port
> revision from svn.

I am OK with the CLI tools.

Thank you very much for taking this!

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