remodeler wrote:

i have just installed FreeBSD 8.0 RC2 and wanted to play around
with imunes/vimage, but i couldn't find it in the installed version
(from DVD ISO). Did i just missed something, or what do i have to
install something in addition? If so, FTP URLS would be helpful as my
BSD machine is not in a network.

Build a custom kernel with option VIMAGE. You can initialize a vimage-enabled
jail with:

jail -c -l -U root -n jailname
path=/my/jail/path vnet persist

If you want to use netgraph to build a virtual bridge between a physical
ethernet interface and the vnet interface on the jail:

# create netgraph bridge, connecting physical interface lower hook
ngctl mkpeer msk0: bridge lower link0
# give the physical interface hook a convenient name
ngctl name msk0:lower bridge0
# connect upper hook of physical interface to the bridge
ngctl connect msk0: bridge0: upper link1
# create a netgraph node for the vnet interface, connected to the bridge
ngctl mkpeer bridge0: eiface link2 ether
# connect the vnet virutal interface and the netgraph node
ifconfig ngeth0 vnet ns

Ironically I haven't played with netgraph on vnet recently but haven't you forgotten to put the eiface into the other vimage?

The work on vnet is well done, and has been reliable through all of my load
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