However, to confirm it's not just my typing, I booted into my old kernel 
(r357365) and I don't see the issue as in the newer revision (r358484).

I think it may be something to do with the latest version not resetting the 
initial repeat delay when another key is pressed, e.g.

1) Hold down the 'a' key.
2) Wait a split second just before the 'a' key should start repeating, and 
press 'l' key whilst still holding the 'a' key.
3) There should be a renewed initial delay before the 'l' key starts repeating, 
but I think it starts repeating almost immediately (as if it were still 
counting from the press of the 'a' key).

Hope that makes some sense! :-)


Can you try the attached patch?

Does it solve the issue?

Index: sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c
--- sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c	(revision 358536)
+++ sys/dev/usb/input/ukbd.c	(working copy)
@@ -522,15 +522,9 @@
 				if (ukbd_is_modifier_key(key))
-				/*
-				 * Check for first new key and set
-				 * initial delay and [re]start timer:
-				 */
-				if (sc->sc_repeat_key == 0) {
-					sc->sc_co_basetime = sbinuptime();
-					sc->sc_delay = sc->sc_kbd.kb_delay1;
-					ukbd_start_timer(sc);
-				}
+				sc->sc_co_basetime = sbinuptime();
+				sc->sc_delay = sc->sc_kbd.kb_delay1;
+				ukbd_start_timer(sc);
 				/* set repeat time for last key */
 				sc->sc_repeat_time = now + sc->sc_kbd.kb_delay1;
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