--- Comment #27 from ---
A commit references this bug:

Author: hselasky
Date: Fri Feb 21 08:59:21 UTC 2020
New revision: 358215

  MFC r304735 and r331692:
  Fix key delay and repeat, part 2.

  Use sbintime_t timeouts with precision control to get very accurate
  timing.  It costs little to always ask for about 1% accuracy, and the
  not so new event timer implementation usual delivers that, and when
  it can't it gets much closer than our previous coarse timeouts and
  buggy simple countdown.

  The 2 fastest atkbd repeat rates have periods 34 and 38 msec, and ukbd
  pretended to support rates in between these.  This requires
  sub-microsecond precision and accuracy even to handle the 4 msec
  difference very well, but ukbd asked the timeout subsystem for timeouts
  of 25 msec and the buggy simple countdown of this gave a a wide range
  of precisions and accuracies depending on HZ and other timer
  configuration (sometimes better than 25 msec but usually more like 50
  msec).  We now ask for and usually get precision and accuracy of about
  1% for each repeat and much better on average.

  The 1% accuracy is overkill.  Rounding of 30 cps to 34 msec instead of
  33 already gives an error of +2% instead of -1%, and ut AT keyboards on
  PS/2 interfaces have similar errors.

  A timeout is now scheduled for every keypress and release.  This allows
  some simplifications that are not done.  It allows removing the timeout
  scheduling for exiting polled mode where it was unsafe in ddb mode.  This
  is done.  Exiting polled mode had some problems with extra repeats.  Now
  exiting polled mode lets an extra timeout fire and the state is fudged
  so that the timeout handler does very little.

  The sc->time_ms variable is unsigned to avoid overflow.  Differences of
  it need to be signed.  Signed comparisons were emulated by testing an
  emulated sign bits.  This only works easily for '<' comparisonss, but
  we now need a '<=' comparison.  Change the difference variable to
  signed and use a signed comparison.  Using unsigned types here didn't
  prevent overflow bugs but just reduced them.  Overflow occurs with
  n repeats at the silly repeat period of [U]INT_MAX / n.  The old countdown
  had an off by 1 error, and the simplifications would simply count down
  1 to 0 and not need to accumulate possibly-large repeat repeats.

  PR:           226968
  Sponsored by: Mellanox Technologies

_U  stable/11/

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