
Is there any RFID reader/writer solution which is OpenSource and runs on
FreeBSD using libusb? The background of the question is: We own some
Java written application, written for Windows, which works fine as well
on FreeBSD and Linux. Is the following exception:

It uses from the Java code through a C++ call interface, written by us,
some proprietary Windows DLL to access the RFID pad.

Running the Java app on FreeBSD, the  JVM looks for the interface shared
lib as 'libRFIDInterface.so' (on Windows as 'RFIDInterface.dll'), which
ofcourse is not there. On Windows our 'RFIDInterface.dll' in turn
uses the proprietary 'BiblioChip.dll' from a 3rd party to handle the
requests to/from the RFID pad. As the 'libRFIDInterface.so' is not there the 
JVM gives


If there would be any OpenSource RFID reader software, I could write the
required interface in C or C++ on top of its API.

Any ideas or comments on this?



Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/  📱 

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