Hi list,

after upgrading kernel from 11.0 to 11.1 the boot process stopped,
waiting forever for some USB stuff. I tried to skip waiting with


in /boot/loader.conf but then I got a very strange ZFS 'mount error 5',
which I had some time ago upgrading from 10.0 to 10.1. That error did
magically went away with 11.0, and now it seems to pop up again:



So I reset the boot wait option to default again and switched on some USB
debug options:


Anybody? Thanks,


Michael Schmiedgen, BSc
Senior Software Engineer

Takwa GmbH
Friedrich-List-Str. 36
99096 Erfurt GERMANY

Tel  +49 361 6534096
Fax  +49 361 6534097
Mail schmied...@takwa.de
Web  http://www.takwa.de/

Amtsgericht Jena HRB 112964
Geschäftsführung: Ingo Buchholz
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