
here is a patch for libusbhid which fixes parsing of collection entries if the 
collection has only non-variable Input/Output/Feature entries:


The problem ist that the output of collection pages has to be deferred until 
the report id is known. Without the patch, deferred collection pages are only 
reported correctly if variable Input/Output/Feature entries are present.

The effect can be seen here (output of the hid descriptor dump of a Logitech 
MX5000 keyboard using bthidcontrol):


Furthermore I have removed the loop in REPORT_SAVED_COLL. If someone knows why 
it was there in the first place, please share your wisdom :)

Third change is the removal of REPORT_SAVED_COLL if the end of a collection is 
reached. All collection entries should have been reported by then.

Ok to commit?


Markus Brueffer    | GPG-Key: http://people.FreeBSD.org/~markus/markus.asc
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | FP: 3F9B EBE8 F290 E5CC 1447 8760 D48D 1072 78F8 A8D4
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | FreeBSD: The Power to Serve!

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