[Using ktrace/kdump shows an apperent oddity in the kevent use that
hang-up in cmake, not that I know it causes the hang-up.]

On 2018-Dec-28, at 00:16, Mark Millard <marklmi at yahoo.com> wrote:

> [The historical notes are removed and replaced by partial trace
> information from example hang-ups, not that I've figured out
> what contributes yet.]
> I ran into the following while trying to get evidence
> about the hang-up for an amd64->armv7 cross-build of
> multimedia/gstreamer1-qt@qt5 .
> The following from trying to get evidence for the hang-up
> via a manual run of "make multimedia/gstreamer1-qt FLAVOR=qt5”
> in a poudriere bulk -i’s interactive mode for the context
> that has the hang-up in normal poudriere-devel runs.
> From top after the hang-up (to identify some context):
> 14528 root          2  52    0   100M    24M    0 kqread  11   0:00   0.00% 
> /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.
> 14527 root          2  52    0    88M    13M    0 select  22   0:00   0.00% 
> /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static ninja -j1 -v all
> from ps -auxd as well (to identify more context):
> root       10114    0.0  0.0  10328  1756  1  I+J  13:47       0:00.01 |      
>            `-- make FLAVOR=qt5
> root       14526    0.0  0.0  10204  1792  1  I+J  13:50       0:00.00 |      
>              `-- /bin/sh -e -c (cd 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build; if ! 
> /usr/bin/env QT_SELE
> root       14527    0.0  0.0  90304 13084  1  I+J  13:50       0:00.09 |      
>                `-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static ninja -j1 -v all
> root       14528    0.0  0.0 102876 25060  1  IJ   13:50       0:00.12 |      
>                  `-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E 
> cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/g
> I had made a qemu-user-static that enabled do_strace when
> it is used to run cmake or ninja.
> The only do_strace lines from qemu-arm-static running cmake
> or ninja mentioning process 14528 are included in the sequence:
> (Before the below was a long list of "14527 fstatat” lines.
> I’ll note that "'Unknown syscall 545” is from ppoll use.)
> 82400 sigprocmask(1,-1610620016,-191968524,-186261416,0,24) = 0
> 82400 sigaction(2,-1610620040,-191968596,-186261584,210460,0) = 0
> 82400 sigaction(15,-1610620040,-191968572,-186261584,210460,0) = 0
> 82400 sigaction(1,-1610620040,-191968548,-186261584,210460,0) = 0
> 82400 gettimeofday(-1610619984,0,4,-186261584,-1610619440,-1610619528) = 0
> 82400 gettimeofday(-1610619984,0,4,359949,1545969996,0) = 0
> 82400 gettimeofday(-1610620120,0,4,2,-184666112,-1610619520) = 0
> 82400 fstatat(-100,"elements/gstqtvideosink/CMakeFiles", 0x9fffe200, 0) = 0
> 82400 fstatat(-100,"elements/gstqtvideosink/gstqt5videosink_autogen", 
> 0x9fffe200, 0) = 0
> 82400 pipe2(-1610620176,0,-1610620108,0,-1610620120,167084) = 0
> 82400 fcntl(5,1,-1610620108,-185863932,-192200556,-1610620228) = 0
> 82400 fcntl(5,2,1,-185863932,-192200556,-1610620228) = 0
> 82400 vfork(0,66450,-186876196,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 82401
> 82400 close(6) = 0
> = 0
> 82400 Unknown syscall 545
> 82401 setpgid(0,0,-186876196,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> 82401 sigprocmask(3,-191586912,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> 82401 close(5) = 0
> 82401 open("/dev/null",0,0) = 5
> 82401 dup2(5,0,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> 82401 close(5) = 0
> 82401 fcntl(0,2,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> 82401 dup2(6,1,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 1
> 82401 fcntl(1,2,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> 82401 dup2(6,2,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0)82400 
> sigpending(-1610620072,1,0,-191968524,0,0) = 0
> The vfork then close(6) sequence for 82400 vs. the later
> use of 6 in dup2 in 82401 may be rather odd. But it looks
> like qemu-*-static uses do_freebsd_fork to implement
> do_freebsd_vfork, despite reporting vfork before
> calling do_freebsd_vfork. (Does the close(6) appear to
> indicate a race for native operation of ninja for the
> period when the address space is shared?)
> Ninja has Subprocess::Start code that has:
> #endif
>  if (posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, flags) != 0)
>    Fatal("posix_spawnattr_setflags: %s", strerror(errno));
>  const char* spawned_args[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", command.c_str(), NULL };
>  if (posix_spawn(&pid_, "/bin/sh", &action, &attr,
>                  const_cast<char**>(spawned_args), environ) != 0)
>    Fatal("posix_spawn: %s", strerror(errno));
> that is in use here. I think that this explains the vfork use.
> It turns out that putting the hung-up build in the background
> and then killing 82401 with the likes of kill -6 leads to more
> output that had apparently been buffered. It shows the use of
> the (amd64 native) /bin/sh that in turn leads to
> /usr/local/bin/cmake via qemu-arm-static. /bin/sh, being
> native, gets no do_strace output from qemu-arm-static.
> 82400 sigpending(-1610620072,1,0,-191968524,0,0) = 0
> 82400 read(5,0x9fffd368,4096) = 58
> 82400 Unknown syscall 545
> 82400 sigpending(-1610620072,1,0,-191968524,0,0) = 0
> 82400 read(5,0x9fffd368,4096) = 0
> 82400 close(5) = 0
> 82400 wait4(82401,-1610620004,0,0,-191968640,0) = 82401
> 82400 mmap(0,86016,3,201330690,-1,-1610620169) = 0xf4777000
> 82400 gettimeofday(-1610620224,0,4,-1610619944,31,16777216) = 0
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,283)[1/129] cd 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink
>  && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink/CMakeFiles/gstqt5videosink_autogen.dir/AutogenInfo.cmake
>  Debug
> = 283
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,137)FAILED: 
> elements/gstqtvideosink/CMakeFiles/gstqt5videosink_autogen 
> elements/gstqtvideosink/gstqt5videosink_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp 
> = 137
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,275)cd 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink
>  && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink/CMakeFiles/gstqt5videosink_autogen.dir/AutogenInfo.cmake
>  Debug
> = 275
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,5) = 2
> = 5
> (Note that some 82400 writes are reporting 82401 information:)
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,49)82401 fcntl(2,2,0,-1610620184,-1610620240,0) = 0
> = 49
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,19)82401 close(6) = 0
> = 19
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,401)82401 execve("/bin/sh",{"/bin/sh","-c","cd 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink
>  && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen 
> /wrkdirs/usr/ports/multimedia/gstreamer1-qt/work-qt5/.build/elements/gstqtvideosink/CMakeFiles/gstqt5videosink_autogen.dir/AutogenInfo.cmake
>  Debug",NULL})82401 __sysctl({ 0 3 }, 2, 0x9fffda80, 0x9fffdf64, 0xf5002097, 
> 0x0000000c) = 0
> = 401
> (The /bin/sh activity is not logged: /bin/sh is native amd64 code here. The
> below is from the later /usr/local/bin/cmake via qemu-arm-static.
> . . . (much omitted) . . .
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,60)82401 mmap(0,28672,3,201330690,-1,-1610621989) = 
> 0xf41a0000
> = 60
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,74)82401 
> clock_gettime(4,-1610621832,4,-199622492,-199622492,-199622656) = 0
> = 74
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,62)82401 
> kqueue(-199622656,0,53102,0,-199622656,-1610621444) = 3
> = 62
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,81)82401 ioctl(3, 0x20006601 { IO GRP:0x66('f') 
> CMD:1 LEN:0 }, 0x0000cf6e, ...) = 0
> = 81
> . . . (some omitted) . . .
> (Then there is a fairly long sequence of access's and then a sequence of
> fstatat's just before:)
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,32)82401 write(9,0xf4e1a945,1) = 1
> = 32
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,61)82401 
> clock_gettime(4,-1610622624,4,100863,1,-199483392) = 0
> = 61
> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,106)82401 
> kevent(3,-1610688200,2,-1610688200,1024,0)qemu: uncaught target signal 6 
> (Abort trap) - core dumped
> = 106

ktrace/kdump shows an oddity for the kevent that hangs-up in cmake
(from a different run so a different process ID):

 93172 qemu-arm-static CALL  
 93172 qemu-arm-static STRU  struct kevent[] = { { ident=6, filter=EVFILT_READ, 
flags=0x1<EV_ADD>, fflags=0, data=0, udata=0x0 }
             { ident=0x0, filter=<invalid=0>, flags=0, fflags=0x8, 
data=0x1ffff, udata=0x0 } }

Note the 0x2 kevent argument and the apparently-odd 2nd entry in the struct
kevent[] .

> 82400 write(1,0xf4950000,41)ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
> = 41
> So it was hung at the kevent until the kill -6 .
> Via another experiment ninja was at the time waiting
> in ppoll:
> Reading symbols from ninja...done.
> [New LWP 73023]
> Core was generated by `ninja'.
> Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
> #0  0xf4e5e0dc in _ppoll () from /lib/libc.so.7
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0xf4e5e0dc in _ppoll () from /lib/libc.so.7
> #1  0x00033bf0 in SubprocessSet::DoWork (this=<optimized out>) at 
> src/subprocess-posix.cc:237
> Backtrace stopped: previous frame inner to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com
( dsl-only.net went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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