2011/5/18 Pedro F. Giffuni <giffu...@tutopia.com>

> Hello...
> I caught this email on another list but it's directly
> relevant to to us and as I've seen so many complaints
> about the (lame) state of our GNU debugger, I am sure
> there is sufficient interest.
> Please test and submit feedback to cbergstrom@ as
> requested in his email.
> (FWIW, I suggested that Dtrace support would be
> awesome).
> ________
> From: Christopher Bergström <cbergstrom AT NOSPAM pathscale DOT com>
> PathDB (debugger) has been ported to FreeBSD.
> Summary:  x86/x86_64 debugger with the goal to drop-in replace gdb.
> We recently finished some heavy refactoring and now focusing on
> improving performance, *robustness*, scalability (clusters/multicore
> systems), DWARF4, OS portability and supported targets.  PathDB has a
> library based design with a cli interface doing direct function calls.
> Using C-bindings it should be fairly trivial to extend or add a new
> front-end in python or other scripting language.
> Source
> git clone git://github.com/path64/debugger.git
> Current status (heavy development - expect bugs)
> GDB test suite results as of today (A lot of timeouts and at
> a glance it seems like a lot of trivial CLI stuff)
> FAIL: 747
> PASS: 477
> Log : https://gist.github.com/b44f708cc2242091bc20
> ---
> Man page - http://www.pathscale.com/docs/pathdb.html
> User guide (Needs to be updated) -
> http://www.pathscale.com/docs/PathDB_UserGuide.pdf
> We'd love feedback and more testers.
> Bug reports can be sent to me (cbergstrom) directly or
> feel free to say hi on irc
> #pathscale - irc.freenode.net
> _______________________________________________

Source GIT link is the following :


The given link above is giving 404 error .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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