hello anyone, i have been playing with fbsd the past few months and have
come across a minor problem and don't know if a problem report is in order,
reported elsewhere then where i looked, or known issue, but i have noticed
it in latest stable versions of
both 7.1 and 6.4 (amd64 at least) and not sure if it is something to fix.
the problem doesn't bother me much, just a bit curious about
the issue and hope i can just to point it out here at the moment.

basically i have a copperhead razor mouse which used to be detected as a
keyboard and has been fixed is stable versions, but if you drop
to single user <shutdown now>, then <exit'>, it freezes and i have to unplug
it and plug it in again to work.

sorry and disregard if fixed in latest (i have a 6.4 rc2 fresh from site
ISOs and haven't csup'ed as i am having a hard time
building worlds on amd64 systems and looking into that slowly)

ce la vie
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