
* Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [081004 00:18]:
> Folks:

> I have upgraded a server from 6.3 to 7.0.  That went rather smoothly.  I 
> have a question about removing old libraries via make delete-old.

> Given the list of old libraries shown at the end of this URL:

>   http://www.freebsddiary.org/upgrade-6.3-to-7.0.php

> Is that list more or less expected?  From what I can tell, it's pretty 
> safe to now do a make delete-old-libs.  Do you concur?

that depends on you having updated all ports/packages as well as the
base system. I think I used a tool that checks which shared libraries are
used by which program but can't remember how it was called; but anyway you
can simply use ldd on your binaries in /usr/local/* to check if any of
them still use one of the old libs.

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