On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 01:04:41PM +0100, Thomas Hurst wrote:
> * Edwin Groothuis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I have made an update for the top(1) utility in the FreeBSD base
> > system to get it from the 3.5b12 version to the 3.8b1 version.
> Looks good, thanks!
> IO mode seems to have changed a bit, giving different values to 3.5, it
> seems while 3.5 gives you the count for the sample period, 3.8 always
> gives you a per-second rate, e.g. top -mio -s 20:
> 3.8:
>    44181 freaky       240      0    240      0      0    240  99.74% cat
> 3.5:
>    44181 freaky       4664      5   4667      0      0   4667 100.00% cat
> This might be confusing, since it means values from two different top
> -mio's are no longer directly comparable.

I will make it back to per-period because that is the one which
actually makes sense (IMHO).

> 3.8 also seems to be lacking IO sorting options; "o vcsw" etc are
> missing.  Will they be returning?

They will be back.

> Also, the [number] argument given to -m io has no effect:
>   top -m io 10
> Setting it after loading with "n 10<enter>" causes top to exit.

That's a good one to catch, thanks!

Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.mavetju.org
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    |              Weblog: http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/
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