Warren Liddell wrote:
On Thursday 07 August 2008 23:18:34 Marc Coyles wrote:
If i have read the man pages correct the command im using being ...

# freebsd-update upgrade -r 7.0-CURRENT
# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade

followed eventually by...

# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf install

I have just upgraded a 6.2 box to 7.0 Release following the instructions
.html to the letter without issue (other than bind needing to be
reinstalled from ports afterwards)


# freebsd-update -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 1 mirrors found.
Fetching public key from update1.FreeBSD.org... failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.

# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade
freebsd-update.sh: Can't open freebsd-update.sh: No such file or directory

I then did a search for the sh file ....

# sh freebsd-update.sh -f freebsd-update.conf -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade
File does not exist or is not readable: freebsd-update.conf

freebsd-update is part of base system so there was no need to install it via the port etc .. or is there ?

no for versions of FreeBSD beyond 6.3 its in base and you dont need to install it seperately to upgrade between versions.
freebsd-update -r 7.1-RELEASE upgrade
seems to have an effect where 7.0-RELEASE no longer does. I have CCed freebsd-stable@ on this to see if anyone knows if this is intended or a mistake.


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