On Wed, Aug 6, 2008 at 12:46 AM, Chuck Swiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's hard to conceive of why you'd want to add so much swap space, anyway--
> if you've got programs which actually need to deal with 10s of gigabytes
> worth of data, then they ought to maintain a smaller/reasonable-sized
> working set in RAM and do disk I/O as needed themselves rather than depend
> upon the VM pager, anyways.
We are running varnish, and found that it is not stable while using mmap mode.
We don't know whether if the problem is in the code of varnish or file
system, but
we found that if we run varnish using malloc mode with big swap, it
became stable.

Thank you all for the information, I'll try to look into the kernel code.
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