Am Mon, 4 Aug 2008 12:51:38 +0200 schrieb Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm trying some other things here. Before you waste time on > PEBKAC problems ;) (which I now suspect to be). Let me try to install > the latest GENERIC on my laptop first. I've build fresh world and then kernel (GENERIC configuration), I also removed everything from rc.conf except host name assignment, and ifconfig_re0="DHCP". I have still same effect as described before. Booting without ethernet cable will prevent me to get link "status: active" on em(4), when I try to use it later. GENERIC from FreeBSD 7.0 CD installation works fine. I checked it again. I can boot without cable in my NIC, "try" to assign an IP using DHCP and then plug the cable in and I have link. Is there a difference how /etc/rc.d/netif handles a NIC with DHCP and how the installation CD is handling it? Once again, steps to reproduce this behavior: 1) Power the laptop OFF. Really OFF, I mean. No reboots! 2) Detach the cable from NIC. 3) Boot FreeBSD. Let it pass the DHCP phase (ifconfig_em0="DHCP") until login appears. 4) Attach the cable to the NIC. 5) Voila... no link. -- Martin
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