On Sun, 3 Aug 2008, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

I was testing a patch and getting a panic (page fault while in kernel mode) in RELENG_7 running multiuser mode, but no scripts were automagically run, although I configured ddb_enable=YES in rc.conf.

It simply dropped me to the interactive ddb(4) prompt, nothing more. Do you have any idea what I could be missing?

Dear Ulrich:

I have been using DDB scripts on 7-STABLE without any problems, but I'm not sure I've tried it with a page fault, just regular panics. Could you try entering the debugger via "sysctl debug.kdb.panic=1", which forces a panic, and see if your scripts run then? Perhaps there's some inconsistency in how we're entering the debugger. If things still appear not to be happening, try setting up a kdb.enter.default script and see if that works?

The ddb(4) command provids a slightly more user-friendly way of accessing the scripts from userspace -- you can just do "ddb scripts" to list them.

FWIW, using the exactly scripts you have below, I produced a textdump without any problems on 7-STABLE.

Btw, you might wanna update the ddb(8) manpage's History section, as the feature seems to first appear in 7.1 :)

Indeed.  I'll update that, thanks!

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

% egrep "ddb|dump" /etc/rc.conf
% sysctl debug.ddb.scripting.scripts
debug.ddb.scripting.scripts: lockinfo=show locks; show alllocks; show 
kdb.enter.panic=textdump set; capture on; run lockinfo; show pcpu; bt; ps; 
alltrace; capture off; call doadump; reset
kdb.enter.witness=run lockinfo

Ulrich Spoerlein
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak, and remove all doubt.

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