On Sat, Aug 02, 2008 at 04:07:47PM -0700, Sam Leffler wrote:
> Luigi Rizzo wrote:
> >Also, what would you suggest as a small scripting language to be used
> >in this kind of platform for implementing CGI scripts (and preferably
> >able to use sockets/select) ?
> Not sure about scripting languages but what's really needed is a 
> lightweight http solution that supports ssl.  This can go a long way 
> before you get to php et. al.  My last project of this sort used 
> tinyhttp (I think, whichever one Jeff Pozkanzer did) and php.  But we 
> didn't try to fit in flash, we used compact flash parts.  I think 
> tinyhttpd+php is also what m0n0wall and pfsense use but haven't looked 
> in a while.

I think this http/ssl problem is reasonably well addressed by
mini_httpd (this is Jeff Pozkanzer's code, about 50kb) and a small
SSL library which you find in ports/security/xyssl (300kb).

Mini_httpd uses the regular openssl libraries, but the xyssl API is
reasonably similar to the SSL_* calls in openssl so it should be
relatively straightforward to use in mini_httpd -- I did this in
another project, even though only on the client side of https
and it took very short time to adapt the code from openssl to xyssl.

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