On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 04:16:25PM -0400, Alexandre Sunny Kovalenko wrote:
> I honestly don't know whether it should or should not do it, and if it
> should not, what errno should be set to. Program below gives following
> output on RELENG_7 as of June 28th:

> sunny:RabbitsDen>./expand_number 5368709120k 
> Result is 1099511627776
> sunny:RabbitsDen>./expand_number 5120G
> Result is 5497558138880
> sunny:RabbitsDen>

> One of the more interesting manifestations in the userland is that

> gjournal label -s 5368709120 -f /dev/da0s1a

> quietly gives you 1G of the journal in the resulting file system.
> [snip program calling expand_number(3)]

This happens because src/lib/libutil/expand_number.c does not include
the necessary header <inttypes.h> for calling strtoimax(3). The file is
compiled without compiler warnings, so the bug shows up as wrong

Adding #include <inttypes.h> fixes it.

The file is slightly changed in CURRENT but the same patch should apply.

Jilles Tjoelker
--- src/lib/libutil/expand_number.c.orig	2007-09-05 16:27:13.000000000 +0200
+++ src/lib/libutil/expand_number.c	2008-07-06 13:11:02.766238000 +0200
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <libutil.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
  * Convert an expression of the following forms to a int64_t.
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