[This is a continuation of my last message, I accidentally mashed the 
send key]

On Thu, 12 Jun 2008, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> > I tried truss and it seemed to be taking a long time (5-10 minutes)
> > and generating a lot of seemingly identical logging :(
> Okay, let's backtrack here.
> The OP states that he can induce a segfault of httpd when doing
> "apachectl graceful".  Is that the exact problem you're seeing, or
> are you seeing problems where PHP/Apache segfaults during operation? 
> I just want to be clear.

No, I don't see a problem with 'apachectl graceful' - it doesn't get 
that far.

> If the latter, then truss "generating lots of seemingly identical
> logging" is probably expected.  I'm guessing it's select() or poll()
> or something related to kqueue/kevent, as it'd be waiting for I/O on
> the HTTP socket.  You'd have to submit the HTTP request to the PHP
> script to get it to crash.

I get a crash when Apache starts up.

I wasn't sure if it was related to OPs problem or not, I should have 
been clearer though.

> In either case, you may have to resort to using ktrace + kdump, which
> may or may not help narrow this down.
> Use "ktrace -i -t+ httpd -X" (I hope that'll work; I'm not sure if
> ktrace allows you to pass arguments to a command), which will start

Yes ktrace does allow that.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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