> what if you have an infinite number of items on one side and finite 
> number on the other, and you want to process them all (in infinite time, 
> of course). Would you still try to finish everything on one side (the 
> infinite one) or would you try to look at what you have on the other side?
> I am sorry about fuzzy wording of my original report, I should have 
> mentioned "starvation" somewhere in it.

There is no such thing as a "fair share" when comparing an infinite quantity to 
a finite quantity. It is just as sensible to do 1 then 1 as 10 then 10 or a 
billion then 1.

What I would do in this case is work on one side for one timeslice then the 
other side for one timeslice, continuuing until either side was finished, then 
I'd work exclusively on the other side. This is precisely the purpose for 
having timeslices in a scheduler.

The timeslice is carefully chosen so that it's not so long that you ignore a 
side for too long. It's also carefully chosen so that it's not so short that 
you spend all your time switching swides.

What sane schedulers do is assume that you want to make as much forward 
progress as quickly as possible. This means getting as many work units done per 
unit time as possible. This means as few context switches as possible.

A scheduler that switches significantly more often than once per timeslice with 
a load like this is *broken*. The purpose of the timeslice is to place an upper 
bound on the number of context switches in cases where forward progress can be 
made on more than one process. An ideal scheduler would not switch more often 
than once per timeslice unless it could not make further forward progress.

Real-world schedulers actually may allow one side to pre-empt the other, and 
may switch a bit more often than a scheduler that's "ideal" in the sense 
described above. This is done in an attempt to boost interactive performance.

But your basic assumption that strict alternation is desirable is massively 
wrong. That's the *worst* *possible* outcome.


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