Clifton Royston wrote:
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 03:15:51PM -0400, Stephen Clark wrote:
Matthew X. Economou wrote:

I recall having to set dumpdev in /etc/rc.conf before I could get
FreeBSD to reboot automatically after a panic.  I have dumpdev=AUTO
set on all of my headless servers.  If you are feeling especially
brave, you can also set fsck_y_enable=YES and background_fsck=NO.

Good luck!  ;)

Hmmm... I have that set. It only seems to not reboot on one
system I have.

  FWIW, I've had problems with 6.2 not rebooting reliably on several
SMP P4 Xeon systems; the problem seems to be that sometimes while
dumping it either freezes completely or double-faults and hangs at that
point until physically reset.

  This problem appeared simultaneously on several SMP servers when they
were upgraded to 6.2, after they had run reliably for years on FreeBSD
4.x.  Adding insult to injury, when it does dump successfully, I don't
reliably get an image saved in /var/crash.  (And if I did, it doesn't
appear that it would do me any good as nobody is interested any longer
in problems with 6.2.)

  Thankfully, via a combination of adding RAM and tuning kernel
parameters I eventually got them to where they'll reliably stay up for
reasonably long stretches, certainly more than the 20 days uptime I was
getting when I first upgraded them.
  -- Clifton
Thank Clifton,

Mine is a nvidia 6300 mb with a dual core amd processor. I am causing the panic
while trying to develope a DD for a EVDO usb modem - so it is not a great problem - I was just surprised it wasn't rebooting. This is a 6.1 system.

Yes it is sort of discouraging that it is hard to get answers when you aren't running the latest and greatest kernel. In our case we have over 500 units in the field running a mix of 4.9 and 6.1 and it is not feasible to continually upgrade them, especially since there is no documented way to reliably upgrade
a remote installation.



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