On Mar 17, 2008, at 4:05 PM, Sascha Klauder wrote:

I've recently upgraded my 6.2-STABLE workstation to RELENG_7,
and I'm now experiencing system lockups that seem to be caused
by the hifn(4) driver.

I've got a Soekris vpn1401 card to help with GELI disk en-
cryption.  Reading from a GELI volume is causing the system to
freeze completely, which does not happen if software crypto is
used (i.e. hifn.ko not loaded).  I can't enter kernel debugger
(ctrl+alt+esc doesn't work anymore) and my (remote) kgdb-fu
isn't up to par anyway.

I've had the exact same kind of issue with the vpn1401 PCI card in a Dell box for my firewall running pfSense (at the tie it was based on FreeBSD 6.1 I believe). It would lock up the firewall within 2 hours to 4 days of uptime. Once we removed the card, no lockups. Soekris never responded to my questions about such behavior.

In contrast, their mini-PCI cards I have installed on some WRAP boards never lockup using the same software.

I blame the card.

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