Ivan Voras wrote:
 > John Baldwin wrote:
 > > Ivan Voras wrote:
 > > > One more addition: I needed to use sys/extipl boot loader instead of the
 > > > standard one.
 > > 
 > >  That should be fixed with the latest BTX btw.
 > I haven't followed the BTX thread closely, but from what I remember it
 > was about not crashing in BTX (with a register-dump) when calling BIOS
 > from vm86 mode (or the other way around). This is not the problem I
 > had with two of my Proliant machines - my problems were that the BTX
 > couldn't locate the next-stage loader - choosing "F1" at the prompt
 > would result in a "beep" signal and a loop back to the F1 prompt.

That sounds like a problem with the boot0 manager, not
with BTX itself.  Why do you use it?  I don't assume you
have installed multiple operating systems on the server
so you would need a boot manager.  I suggest you remove
the boot0 manager with "fdisk -B".

I've never had any problems to boot the DL360 machines
with FreeBSD's stock boot blocks.  No need for sys/extipl
or anything else.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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