No one is forcing you to upgrade.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-freebsd-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marko Lerota
> Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2008 6:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Upgrading to 7.0 - stupid requirements
> In says
> Updating Existing Systems
> > An upgrade of any existing system to FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE constitutes
> > a major version upgrade, so no matter which method you use to update
> > an older system you should reinstall any ports you have installed on
> > the machine. This will avoid binaries becoming linked to inconsistent
> > sets of libraries when future port upgrades rebuild one port but not
> > others that link to it. This can be done with:
> # portupgrade -faP
> etc...
> Why!!! Do you know how much time I have to spend with my PC to
> reinstall
> all of this programs from ports? Only openoffice takes one day! And
> where
> is Gnome and such...There must be other way...I would not reinstall my
> packages ;)
> Then the servers. Why should I reinstall all my databases and such? I
> always
> liked that FreeBSD base (OS) is separated from packages. And no matter
> what I
> do with the packages, my OS will always work. I don't want dependency
> hell like in Linux. Now you are telling me that my database might not
> work
> after upgrade to a new version. Is that it?
> --
> One cannot sell the earth upon which the people walk
>                                                       Tacunka Witco
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