On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 03:30:40PM -0800, David E. Thiel wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 30, 2007 at 11:12:26PM +0100, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> >> FWIW, the problem remains for me. Still terrible performance
> >> during compiles.
> > 
> > OK.  Instead of going over all of the usual questions again, can you point 
> > me to a previous mail in which you explain your observations and test 
> > results in detail?
> The most recent is http://marc.info/?l=freebsd-stable&m=119428719505129&w=2, 
> but
> it started way back at 
> http://marc.info/?l=freebsd-current&m=118998090512027&w=2.
> I've tried a lot of stuff in between, and all I've been able to narrow
> it down to is that it's not a display driver issue, and that none of
> my swap partition is getting used, so that's not the problem. During
> compiles, my UP system with ULE still gets very unresponsive when
> compiling, sometimes taking up to 10 seconds just to draw a new terminal
> window. Even changing focus with the window manager can take several
> seconds. I'd like to provide more info, but I'm not sure what stats
> are useful for this particular issue. Please let me know. 
> dmesg is at http://redundancy.redundancy.org/dmesg.txt, and kernel
> config is at http://redundancy.redundancy.org/DEEPTHOUGHT. Even though
> I'm still getting reported 80-95% memory utilization and no paging,
> I'm going to get an extra gig of RAM on order to see if that improves
> things. 2G of ram for a desktop, what's the world coming to? ;)

BTW, mine similar problem completely disappeared after I switched to
SMP kernel and turned on hyperthreading on my workstation Pentium IV 3GHz.
I am able to run FPS games while doing 1 (and, most of the time, even 2)
compilations/configure run) in parallel. The scheduler used is ULE,

I believe there is something wrong with UP; I did not investigated what.

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