On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 22:57:46 +0200
Alexander Motin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your host generates huge number of simultaneous session requests. 
> Looking on different Host-Uniq values it should be different ng_pppoe 
> sessions/hooks as Host-Uniq is actually pointer to the hook/session 
> internal data and it stays persistent for all packets of the same 
> session. So it looks that something creates those many hooks.
> I think such behaviour can take place if ppp daemon for some reason 
> don't waits for reply but closes session immediately after sending 
> connect request. If it so it also explains original "no matching 
> session" errors as for the answer received time session/hook can
> already be destroyed.
> Provide please your ppp configuration files and part of detailed log 
> file (set log All) describing connection attempts.

ppp.conf already sent. I don't have a 'set log All' turned on, but maybe
the following logfile of the aborted session would help?


> PS: I am not ppp daemon expert, but quick code look shows that 
> connection waiting can be configured with 'set cd ...' command.
> Setting 'set cd 0' gives results close to yours. Have you something
> like that in your configuration?

Uh... I'm not sure I understand what you're asking for here?


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