Espen Tagestad wrote:

We recently bought 3 new Dell 860 servers with the onboard SAS5/IR SATA RAID-controller. They seem to be quite well spec'ed servers with management and everything - but I am experiencing av major performance issue with the disc i/o. On write I get at max 7-8MB/sec, while read gives a bit more (11MB/sec). I tried first with 6.2-RELEASE, and then upgraded to 6.3-PRERELEASE without any better results.

I am aware of some discussion around this issue on these two maillists in the spring earlier on this year, but I have not been able to find any good resolution. My old firewall/router at home equipped with a 733Mhz Pentium 3 processor and a old 40GB IDE harddrive made around year 2001 performe better. Is there anybody out there with the same problem who has solved this issue? Could it be that this is solved in 7.0?

Thanks in advance.

You haven't indicated what drives are on that controller, or how (RAID?) arranged.,, what sort of on-drive or on-controller cahce and policy.

Nor how you measured the '..performs better', which a single <anything> can often do compared to several of the possible RAID configurations.

Otherwise, those are not actually 'bad' numbers for sustained I/O - especially if anything-at-all is going on at the same time that needs to intervene and move the r/w heads 'elsewhere' - however briefly.

More info?


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