On Sat, 2007-11-17 at 14:02 -0500, Nic Reveles wrote:
> "Clifton Royston" wrote:
> > On Sat, Nov 17, 2007 at 12:21:25PM -0500, Nic Reveles wrote:
> >> Thanks for the tips!  Still having the same problem though...
> >>
> >> I have changed the tag in my supfile to:
> >> *default tag=RELENG_5_5
> >>
> >> I then removed the directory '/usr/src/contrib/cvs' and ran cvsup again.
> >>
> >> But when I run 'make buildworld' I still get the previous error.
> >
> >  Did you try removing any CFLAGS settings from /etc/make.conf?
> I've checked /etc/make.conf and there are no CFLAGs in it.  I've never 
> changed it since I started using the computer, but here is what I did find:
> <make.conf>
> # added by use.perl 2005-09-05 11:07:59
> PERL_VER=5.8.6
> The error message I'm recieving makes reference to Perl, is it possible that 
> the syntax of Perl changed and I need to update it and this make.conf file?

Please don't top post, it makes the thread impossible to follow....

The PERL_* stuff is for ports, it is highly unlikely to affect your
buildworld.  The error message itself isn't really referring to perl,
the command prior to the error (which seems to have completed relatively
successfully) is.

Immediately after the error occurs, what are the contents
of /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/cvs/contrib/Makefile
and /usr/src/contrib/cvs/contrib/Makefile ? (specifically what is around
line 15?)


David Taylor

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