On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
 > On Sun, Nov 04, 2007 at 02:59:36AM +1100, Ian Smith wrote:
 > > any particular/new issues with RELENG_7 on the Soekris net4801?
 > > 
 > > Thought I should check before upgrading my T23 as a build platform ..
 > > I haven't done this before, and will be relying on the howtos for 6.X
 > I recently upgraded two of my net4801s to RELENG_7 - the only problem
 > I have seen so far, is that savecore(8) attempts to do non-aligned DMA
 > transfers and fails. I haven't had time to dig further into this issue
 > yet, though.

Thanks, Brix.  I'm wondering if that's still (again?) to do with item 3
at http://www.soekris.com/Issue0003.htm ? I've no idea whether a similar
'quick-fix' to that given for FreeBSD 4.X to /sys/dev/ata/ata-dma.c
would work with the 5.5-S and 6.1-R code I have here, noting that the
alignment is now specified in bytes rather than the earlier bytes-1, so
'4' is presumably the value needed for dword alignment.

Hmm, ok, trying to dig a little deeper .. rev 1.118 notes say:

  Add support for a the National Geode SC1100. Thanks to Soekris engineering
  for sponsoring a Soekris 4801 to make this support.

but I couldn't find anywhere in 1.118 or in later versions up to 1.147
(RELENG_7, HEAD) that does anything other than 'ch->dma->alignment = 2;'

(Not that me not finding it means much :)  I also noticed at 

  Add support for using DMA on dump, greatly speeds up the dump process.

Copying Soren in case he may have a bead on this, but it hardly seems
any impediment to preparation or building for it when the box arrives.

Cheers, Ian

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