----- Original Message ----
> From: Ken Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: freebsd-stable@freebsd.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 5:21:00 AM
> Subject: 7.0-BETA1 Available, 6.3-BETA1 coming soon...
> We have entered the final phases of the FreeBSD-7.0 Release cycle which
> also means the beginning of the FreeBSD-6.3 Release cycle.  Because the
> people who support the ports for FreeBSD also need to go through a
> freeze cycle as part of releases we had decided to combine the two
> releases to try and minimize the impact on the ports maintainers.
> The current plan is to interleave the BETAs/RCs of the 7.0 and 6.3
> releases, trying to follow this for the dates when the builds will get
> started (with them becoming available on the FTP mirrors a day or two
> after the builds start):
>             7.0     6.3
>     BETA1   10/17   10/24
>     BETA2   10/31   11/7
>     RC1     11/14   11/21
>     RC2     11/28   12/5
>     REL     12/12   12/19
> Tomorrow (10/23) the RELENG_6 branch will be marked "6.3-PRERELEASE" to
> note that we have entered the 6.3 release cycle.
> The schedule dates are, as usual, tentative.  At this point RELENG_6 is
> pretty mature so that schedule should be fairly accurate.  Being a new
> branch it is at least somewhat likely the dates for 7.0 will wind up
> slipping.
> The 7.0-BETA1 builds have completed and are on many of the FreeBSD
> mirror sites.  If you want to update an existing machine using
> cvsup
> RELENG_7 as the branch tag.  Instructions on using FreeBSD Update to
> perform a binary upgrade from FreeBSD 6.x to 7.0-BETA1 will be provided
> via the freebsd-stable list when available.
>                                                 Ken Smith
> - From there to here, from here to      |     
>   there, funny things are everywhere.   |
>                       - Theodore Geisel |

Thank you Ken!

Could you please have someone to put these interesting news in the main page of 

I wish FreeBSD main page is more attractive for new users, with links to 
PC-BSD, and DesktopBSD ..etc ;)

-Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri
Arab Portal

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