d_elbracht wrote:
> we are trying to diagnose errors seen on 6.2, SMP, amd64, cvsup'ed of
> 2007-10-09
> Mainboard is a Tyan Thunder h2000M (S3992-E) with 16 GB RAM and 2 x Opteron
> 2216, da3 is on a 3ware 9550-12
> we are seeing this error:
> g_vfs_done():da3s1a[READ(offset=81064794762854400, length=8192)]error = 5
> on a 12 GB Hyperdrive
> the offset changes sometimes, but it is always 81064794xxxxxxxxx and well
> out the 12GB range.


> According to systat -vm, da3 does tps > 500 (yes, that's a lot)

That's not a lot :) That's actually low for a modern solid state drive.

> This leads to an assumption, the error has to do with very high IOs per
> second on a SMP machine.

Either that or file system errors. Does fsck run ok or does it say
anything unusual?

There are several theoretical reasons for such errors that are connected
with the fact you use solid state drives, but all are tricky to diagnose
if you don't have a certain repeatable test you can try. For example:
some SSDs optimize writes to "spread out" the IO on the chips, but some
do it by looking into file system structures to determine where it's
safe to relocate the write - obviously this works only with a known and
supported file system. This is a really wild guess, but maybe the SSD
firmware has error somewhere in this area, trying to interpret UFS as it
was FAT? If you manage to get a repeatable failure test, you can try
formatting the drive as FAT32 and trying it on that.

Or maybe it's just a bad drive...

> The system-disk is a RAID1 on an ICP 5805. All other disks (51) are 20
> gstripe'd partitions.

51 drives and 20 partitions?

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