On 10/2/07, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Steven Hartland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Any one got any pointers on this, the machine we running this app on is over
> > 90% idle so I really don't want to have to install a second machine just to
> > workaround a limit on the number of pty's, surely there's a way to increase
> > this?
> You need to change the way ptys are named in pty_create_slave() and
> pty_clone() in sys/kern/tty_pty.c.  Just changing names won't help as
> the sequence is also hardcoded in pty_clone().
> You also need to change grantpt(), openpty() and any other userland code
> which has hardcoded knowledge of the naming scheme:
> src/sys/kern/tty_pty.c: static char *names = "pqrsPQRS";
> src/sys/kern/tty_pty.c:  * pts == 
> /dev/tty[pqrsPQRS][0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv]
> src/sys/kern/tty_pty.c:  * ptc == 
> /dev/pty[pqrsPQRS][0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv]
> src/contrib/telnet/telnetd/sys_term.c:  for (cp = "pqrsPQRS"; *cp; cp++) {
> src/usr.sbin/ac/ac.c:                               strchr("pqrsPQRS", 
> usr.ut_line[3]) != 0 ||
> src/lib/libutil/pty.c:  for (cp1 = "pqrsPQRS"; *cp1; cp1++) {
> src/lib/libc/stdlib/grantpt.c: #define  PT_DEV1         "pqrsPQRS"
> Alternatively, set kern.pts.enable to 1, and find and fix the
> hang-on-close bug in the pts code (if it hasn't been fixed already)
    Looks like it hasn't been. A friend who tried to set up an access
server for his company stumbled upon it.

> --
> Dag-Erling Smørgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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