On Wed, Sep 26, 2007 at 11:09:22PM +0100, Chris wrote:
> Hi I am concerned about the availabilities of these encryptions in
> freebsd releases that are marked stable.
> It seems gbde has a problem when the the data written goes over the
> lba boundary around lba48.
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-geom/2007-August/002524.html
> I suffered this problem error example below.  Usage at the time was
> approx 150gig when I first noticed it.
> g_vfs_done():ad6s1c.bde[WRITE(offset=493964558336, length=131072)]error = 1
> After reading about this problem on a few diff hits (all with no
> response on fixes) I tried geli.
> However I seen this in geli within an hour of using it.
> GEOM_ELI: Crypto WRITE request failed (error=1).
> ad6s1c.eli[WRITE(offset=0, length=131072)]
I've been running a GELI encrypted /home partition on 6.2-STABLE amd64
for months without problems. I've had trouble with GELI on usb
harddisks, but that seems to be related to the USB/ATAPI controller.

The message seems to come from /usr/src/sys/geom/eli/g_eli_integrity.c,
in the function g_eli_auth_write_done. But for a more detailed analysys,
you'd have to set kern.geom.eli.debug to 3, and see what else pops
up. The headers indicate that the error number is used according to
errno.h, which lists 1 as being "Operation not permitted".

Both GELI and GBDE fail with the same length of request. So the error
might depend on the underlaying code in the kernel (bio* functions).

Are you sure that the disk and controller are working properly? 

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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