On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 08:57:22 +0400
"Artem Kuchin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Um.. it is because i did not have a map of hot swap baskets to
conroller ports and i needed to check every driver basket to
understand which port it sits on. I have no choise, i think.
I'm just going to highlight the importance of knowing which
physical disk is which on your system.
About a year ago I had to replace a hot-swappable disk from an
array, but then realised I had no idea which physical disk it
was as the map of the disks was rather helpfully *inside* the
case. Due to the physical setup, I had no way or removing the
cover without first powering down the server - which defeated
the whole point of paying extra for hot-swap disks.
So yeah, be sure to label your disk bays, but be sure to put
those labels somewhere *useful*.
Useful like on the front of the drive bays ;-)
The Areca cards have a nice function called drive identify that lights up
the selected drive's LED. I think the 3ware cards have it too.
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