I am trying to set up my first webserver. I bought a Dell Poweredge 860, provided with a SAS5/IR RAID-Controller. The problem is now, that I cannot find software, that monitors the state of my disks. I already tried megarc from the ports but all I get is a short answer that no adapters where found:

######################################################################## #
megarc -AllAdpInfo -nolog

********************************************************************** MEGARC MegaRAID Configuration Utility(FreeBSD)-1.04 (03-02-2005)
              By LSI Logic Corp.,USA
********************************************************************** [Note: For SATA-2, 4 and 6 channel controllers, please specify Ch=0 Id=0..15 for specifying physical drive(Ch=channel, Id=Target)]

        Type ? as command line arg for help

        No Adapters Found

        Error: No MegaRaid Found
######################################################################## #

I had emails with Dell and LSI. Dell does not support FreeBSD and LSI says I should go and ask Dell ...

The second thing is, the perfomance. I attached the output of blogbench:

######################################################################## #
Frequency = 10 secs
Scratch dir = [/root/bench]
Spawning 3 writers...
Spawning 1 rewriters...
Spawning 5 commenters...
Spawning 100 readers...
Benchmarking for 30 iterations.
The test will run during 5 minutes.

Nb blogs R articles W articles R pictures W pictures R comments W comments 0 0 77 0 3 1154 120 0 1 92 0 4 4086 142 0 263 58 3 30 5858 125 0 1546 20 86 32 925 81 1 2875 28 1855 51 102 115 3 2646 53 2320 36 1283 128 3 1925 42 1339 25 970 92 3 2418 17 1076 61 349 110 3 2730 13 1278 86 585 125 3 2066 12 1154 69 895 108 4 1826 20 1356 48 676 89 6 2813 83 2227 11 863 129 6 2884 59 2204 29 1273 121 6 1570 29 1087 24 558 73 7 2329 26 1607 64 587 109 7 2718 42 1676 62 901 130 8 1146 11 691 36 538 59 9 2617 41 1580 54 1248 127 9 2362 72 1654 33 1763 131 9 1154 34 857 15 741 62 10 2362 63 1823 36 1562 127 10 2458 48 1904 56 1756 131 11 1182 28 918 18 753 63 13 2485 53 1965 46 1620 127 13 2725 64 2106 44 1561 134 13 1228 9 821 39 536 61 15 2758 52 1765 49 1064 132 16 2853 77 1793 33 1633 141 16 1174 31 745 18 742 61 16 2420 42 1619 55 1389 123

Final score for writes:            16
Final score for reads :          2025
######################################################################## #

(Just to remember: Pentium D; 2,8GHZ; 4 GB RAM; 2 x 500GB SATA RAID1)
That is pretty poor, isn't it ?

I am wondering now, if somebody has experience with the PERC5/I Controller. Would it be possible to monitor the disks, if I would buy that controller ?
Any hints are highly appreciated.


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