: cs3661.rinet.ru     2 u  354 1024  377    5.305  -66314. 4321.47
: ns.rinet.ru  2 u  365 1024  377    6.913  -66316. 4305.33
: whale.rinet.ru       2 u  358 1024  377    7.939  -66308. 4304.90
:Any directions to debug this?
:D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]

    Since you are running on HEAD now, could you also kgdb the live kernel
    and print cpu_ticks?  I believe the sequence is (someone correct me if
    I am wrong):

    kgdb /kernel /dev/mem
    print cpu_ticks

    As for further tests... try building a non-SMP kernel (i.e. one that
    only recognizes one cpu) and see if the problem occurs there.  That
    will determine whether there is a basic problem with time keeping or
    whether it is an issue with SMP.

    I'm afraid there isn't much more I can do to help, other then to make
    suggestions on tests that you can run that will hopefully ring a bell
    with another developer.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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