On Wednesday 06 June 2007 16:14, Robin Gruyters wrote:
> Then a tar the file (with or without blocksize set) to tape:
> $ sudo tar -cf /dev/sa0 archive.dmp
> $
> After that I try to read/list the tar from tape with tar -t:
> $ sudo mt -f /dev/sa0 rewind
> $ sudo tar -tf /dev/sa0
> archive.dmp
> tar: Unrecognized archive format: Inappropriate file type or format
> $
> I get strait away the "Unrecognized archive" message.
> But when I extract the archive from tape, it works perfectly:
> $ sudo tar -xvf /dev/sa0
> x archive.dmp
> $
> I have tested this with libarchive and tar from RELENG_6 and
> RELENG_6_2. No problems with libarchive and tar from RELENG_6_1.

I did..

tar -zcvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -ztvf /dev/sa0

tar -b 1 -zcvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 1 -ztvf /dev/sa0

tar -b 20 -zcvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 20 -ztvf /dev/sa0

tar -b 128 -zcvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 128 -ztvf /dev/sa0

And they work. The example you gave failed however, so do..
tar -b 1 -cvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 1 -tvf /dev/sa0

tar -b 20 -cvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 20 -tvf /dev/sa0

tar -b 128 -cvf /dev/sa0 /boot
tar -b 128 -tvf /dev/sa0

Using dd to feed tar does work though. (I think this agrees with Robin's 
findings although the fact that it works with -z is curious)

[cain 17:05] ~ >mt status
Mode      Density              Blocksize      bpi      Compression
Current:  0x40                 variable       0        disabled
---------available modes---------
0:        0x40                 variable       0        0x1
1:        0x40                 variable       0        0x1
2:        0x40                 variable       0        0x1
3:        0x40                 variable       0        0x1
Current Driver State: at rest.
File Number: 0  Record Number: 0        Residual Count 0

This is a Tandberg TS400 (LTO2 drive, LTO1 tape)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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